This exhibition at the Bridewell Gallery…..

Was part of a collection of kinetic sculptures, paintings and collages.

Gravity is the invisible force that impacts on our everyday lives and this installation explores playful and absurd approaches to the world around us and how we perceive it.

“I love the act of taking ideas for a walk, no matter how ludricous they seem and use the process of making to externalise those thoughts. Aesthetics and craft skills are important features of my work. They can help to draw the viewer in and take a closer look at what’s going on.”

The Kinetic Sculptures.

The Paintings.

The Imprints.

These are a collection of 24 digital collages. Each image is A5 size and is presented in an A4 frame. They were produced from a file box containing images, thoughts and notes accumulated over time.


Exhibition Booklet.

A Swinging Leg Gathers No Moss But is Built on Sand, Even.

Approximate Dimensions:

3000 x 2540 x 965mm

Materials: Wood, metal, hessian, rope, paper mache, sand, and gravity.

A “Whether” Station.

Approximate Dimensions: 3000 x 2540 x 965mm. 

Materials: Wood, metal, Plastic, rubber, and Electronics.

Captured by Circles.

Approximate Dimensions: 3000 x 2540 x 965mm. 

Materials: Wood, metal & Electronics.

A Precarious

Multi-Faceted Man.

A slightly larger than life-size free standing wooden figure. It is only just able to support itself from the natural forces acting on it.

Approximate Dimensions:

1905 x 558 x 457mm. 


The Painting Gallery.

From Behind the Curtain.

A 2-Dimensional Installation made up of 64  canvases, each 20cm x 26cm. Overall Size: 185cm x 250cm. Media: Collage and Oil on canvas.

Searching for the God Particle.

This is the outcome from a series of painting angels. Size 80cm x120cm. Media: Oil on canvas.

Two Adjusted Views of an Egg Timer.

A set of 2 Canvases. Each canvas shows a different view of the same event. Size: each canvas is 80cm X 120cm. Media: Oil on Canvas.

Study for a Precarious  Multi-Faceted Man.

A Feasibility Study exploring the angles of Inclination for creation. Media: Collage, Acrylic Paint & Oil on Canvas. Size: 40cm x 50 cm.

Venus with a Half Life.

  Size: 240cm X 120cm. Media: Oil on Canvas.

5 Adjusted Views of a Coffee Filter.

   A set of 5 Canvases. Each canvas shows a slightly different view of the same event.   Size: each canvas is 42cm x 30cm. Media: Oil on canvas.